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Upholding the Gospel of Jesus Christ

By prayer & fasting and eating the Word


What originated in 1966 as Bible classes in several private homes under the guidance and teaching of (Mother) Louise Guyton, by prayer and fasting and "eating the Word" was transformed into a church divinely envisioned and named the Holy Tabernacle Church.


Approximately 25 people united themselves together to worship at 1081 Tremont Street, Boston, MA, and under the leadership of its Founder and appointed Pastor, the Reverend Joe L. Smith, the church grew in the spirit of love and a desire to serve the Lord. One year later in August of 1967, the church was chartered and incorporated under the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.


In the fervency of spirit and effective evangelistic ministry


The Holy Tabernacle Church continues in the fervency of spirit and effective evangelistic ministry through divine worship services, prayer, and study of God’s Word.


This has resulted in sustained growth in membership and divine favor under the anointed leadership of its current pastor, Bishop Dr. Arthur F. Jack.  


With media broadcasts and an increase in several member churches and affiliations at home and abroad, the Holy Tabernacle Church of God in Christ Apostolic is a light on a hill fulfilling the vision of the Lord to reach the lost, to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ, to provide aid those that are in distress and to make faith and love a reality in the hearts and souls of men.


With a victory march of songs & praise


The Holy Tabernacle Church of God in Christ Apostolic Inc. continued to grow with many families in its membership. In May of 1971 having laid hands on a property at 70 Washington Street in Dorchester and receiving divine favor through faith, 75 members celebrated the purchase of the new building with a victory march of songs of praise from Tremont Street to this present location.


Under the charismatic leadership of Pastor Joe  L.  Smith, the Lord rewarded his labor of love for people and community the building expansion in 1996, an increase of souls of 2000, and numerous spiritual and material blessings to accomplish its vision.

Several radio and television broadcasts at home and abroad marked the presence and increase of this ministry.


Bishop Dr. Joe L Smith and the Holy Tabernacle Church became a community icon and received several community awards and recognition for service before the Lord called him home in January of 2000. 

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The US

The Philippines

The Congo

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